MSAD27 Grade 6 Move - Informational Meeting

We would  like to thank all the MSAD27 stakeholders who took time to share their thoughts and opinions regarding the potential move of grade 6 from Fort Kent Elementary School to Valley Rivers Middle School via the survey sent out in early January.  Your support and concerns are all helpful in designing a plan that supports all learners.   

The MSAD27 6th Grade Transition Stakeholders Planning Committee met for a second time on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 to review the survey results and to plan for next steps.  We will be reporting out on those findings and recommendations during the 942nd Board Meeting on Monday, March 3, 2025.  The committee is also recommending MSAD27 hold a 6th Grade Move Informational Meeting for stakeholders to further share their concerns and/or support for the potential move before the MSAD27 makes a decision on the move.  The MSAD27 Board has not made a decision on this move yet.

We are inviting all MSAD27 stakeholders to attend an informational meeting on Monday, March 10, 2025, beginning at 6:00pm in the Community High School Gym.  At that time, we will have a presentation to share with the public, addressing both the positive aspects and addressing common concerns that were brought up in the survey responses. It is important that all stakeholders have a voice in this process. 
