MSAD27 Workshop Day Friday, May 24 to honor Peter Saucier

Due to the loss of our cherished friend and colleague, Mr. Peter Saucier, and his funeral services occurring this Friday, May 24 @ 10:00am, the MSAD27 Board of Directors has decided to make the day a workshop day instead of a student day.  This will allow all staff to attend the funeral services.  MSAD27 students will have no school this Friday, May 24.  (This does not impact MSAD33 or Madawaska.)

The board has further directed the Superintendent of Schools to appeal to the Department of Education to have the student day forgiven, since the district will not make the 175 required student days without making this day up.  If the Department of Education forgives the day, the students will still end school on Friday, June 14 as planned.  More information will go out as we receive word from the DOE.  

On behalf of the MSAD27 board, the staff, and the communities, we thank you all for allowing us to show support by honoring Mr. Peter Saucier this Friday, as he was truly a Fort Kent Warrior through and through, doing anything and everything to keep the students and staff of the district safe and secure.  

We miss you our dear friend. 
