MSAD27 Announces the next Principal of Community High School and Valley Rivers Middle School

During the 930th board meeting of the Maine School Administrative District No. 27 Board of Directors on Monday, January 22, 2024, the board approved a transfer request from Mr. Steve Doucette, Dean of Students at CHS/VRMS, to become the next Principal of the schools on July 1, 2024 after the retirement of Mr. John Kaleta. 

Steve Doucette has been an educator in MSAD27 since 2007, teaching science at Community High School.  He later went on to become the Dean of Students in 2018, a position he's held since that time.  Mr. Doucette's success in this role is attributed to his amazing ability to work respectfully with students while communicating effectively with stakeholders in the process.  

According to Benjamin Sirois, Superintendent of Schools, "We have 100% confidence that Mr. Doucette will continue the excellent work that he and Mr. Kaleta have started at CHS and VRMS, continuing to build on a positive climate and culture, while supporting and strengthening teaching and learning."

Best of luck to Mr. Doucette in this new role beginning with the 2024-25 school year! 


  1. Congratulations, great pick.

  2. Congratulations and best of luck!

  3. Congratulations Steve! They are lucky to have you!

  4. Congratulations Steve!

  5. Congrats, Steve! Following a list of great people who have held the position! Keep up the good work!!

  6. Great succession! Congrats Steve and happy retirement John!

  7. Congratulations Steve! I know you'll do great as the new principal! Well deserved!

  8. Congrats, Steve...

  9. Congratulations Mr. Doucette !!

  10. Congratulations .. You will make a great new principal and Thank you John Kaleta enjoy your retirement!!

  11. Congratulations Steve!!


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