MSAD27 has policies in place to ensure that the public and the schools can work together. Once such policy is board policy BED - Complaints Against School Personnel. As stated in the policy, complaints will be referred to the proper school decision maker for resolution at the lowest possible level. Generally, the first step will be to discuss the matter directly with the employee against whom the complaint is registered. If this is clearly inappropriate because of the nature or severity of the complaint, the person making the complaint may request a conference with the principal/immediate supervisor to discuss the complaint. The principal/immediate supervisor or his/her designee will look into the complaint and communicate with the person making the complaint. Privacy rights of all parties to the complaint will be respected.
We appreciate the public's interest and desire to advocate for the best education for our students. In doing so, we ask that the public partner with us collaboratively.
Please see the letter below regarding complaints against school personnel, which also includes information about public participation at board meetings, and non-discrimination / equal opportunity and affirmative action.
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