Without a doubt, remote learning cannot replace classroom instruction. It is difficult to find any way to educate students that will be as successful as being in school and working with teachers. Remote learning however does ensure that the learning progression continues, and students are not falling further behind, as this would happen if no instruction were going on. For remote learning to work however, we need more home to school communication than ever before.
We know this has not been easy for so many families. Like any other major change, this is difficult and sometimes frustrating. Please know that the teachers, the schools, and the districts are here to help. We encourage each and every student and family to discuss what is most difficult in remote learning so we can find solutions for each child. Please click on the letter below encouraging each and every family to communicate with teachers during this remote learning phase of our school year.
We thank you all for your continued support and efforts to help ensure learning continues during this national crisis.

We thank you all for your continued support and efforts to help ensure learning continues during this national crisis.

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