You may have noticed that CHS, VRMS, and FKES are requiring more information from parents regarding the nature of their children's absences from school. Please understand that we are required to work within Maine Law and our own MSAD27 policy for school attendance.
- Did you know that the State of Maine is now asking school districts to improve the way they report attendance in order to identify those learners who are chronically absent from school?

- Did you know that Chronic Absenteeism is considered missing 10 percent of the school year, regardless if the absences are excused or not? (10% is 18.2 days total for a school year, or 4.5 days each quarter.)
- Did you know that when an elementary learner reaches 7 full days and a middle-high school learner reaches 10 full days of unexcused absences, they are identified as truant from school?
We are all on the same team! Parents and schools need to work together to address attendance issues with learners, so that they can get the best education experience during their school years! Thanks for your continued support!
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