MSAD27 to offer Summer Lunch Program: June 25 - August 3

Maine School Administrative District No. 27 is pleased to announce that SAD27 has been accepted to participate in the USDA Summer Food Service Program once again this year.  This program, funded entirely by the USDA, enables us to serve a free lunch to anyone 18 and under, regardless of income, race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. 

Meals will be served Mondays through Fridays from June 25-August 3 at the following sites.  **Please note that the program will be closed on Tuesday, July 4.**

·      Fort Kent Community High School Cafeteria from 11:30am until 12:15pm
·      Eagle Lake Town Office, 36 Devoe Brook Rd from 11:30pm to 12:30pm

Who is this program for
?  All youth 18 and under.  There are no residency requirements, no income requirements, we don’t even ask for ID.  The Summer Food Service Program is designed to help communities, not just individuals, and the program is more successful the more children participate. 

Do I have to sign my child up?  No.  Your child can just show up at one of the service sites on those days they would like to eat lunch, but please keep in mind this program is first come, first serve.

Can I eat there too? Yes, but since this program is for youth 18 and under, adults over the age of 18 need to pay the SAD27 meal cost of $4.50 per lunch.

What information does my child need to participate in the program? Absolutely none.  For program administration purposes, SAD27 needs to keep track of the number of meals served, so we keep a count of youth getting meals per day, but we collect no other information.

Will there be adults present to supervise youth participating in this program? Yes.  In addition to the staff making and serving the lunches, staff from the SJV Oral Health Stakeholders will be present to assist as needed at the Fort Kent site, and adult volunteers will be present at the Eagle Lake site.

My child attends the Fort Kent Summer Recreation Program.  Can they participate in this program?  Yes.  Fort Kent Parks and Recreation staff will escort children from Jalbert Park to the CHS cafeteria for the Summer Lunch Program.

Still have questions?  For the Fort Kent site, please contact the Summer Lunch Program Administrator, Melanie Lagasse, at or at 207-834-5540.  For questions about the Eagle Lake site, please contact the Eagle Lake Town Office at 207-444-5511.

Please note that VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED!  If you would like to volunteer at the Fort Kent site, please sign up using this online form or contact Bonita Cairns @ 
