Do you have questions about our Habits of Work and student Honor Roll determinations being based on the Habits of Work? We hope this 14 minute video helps answer your questions. Please remember that MSAD27 is dedicated to improving education for all students, while working within the changes being adopted by the Department of Education. The shift in education is a big one, but we have your children at mind with our new changes.
We appreciate the community's support as we strive to produce students who are career and college ready, not only in academics, but also in values, and work habits. Also, remember we are not perfect! Every new change requires adjustments, which we plan to do as we strive to improve! We thank you for your support and for trusting the Vision.
Frequently asked Questions:
Q: Why do we need the Habits of Work?
A: In a proficiency based education system, all non-academic factors need to be separated from the actual learning of the content. Example: Passing in a paper that was single spaced instead of double spaced should not impact the student's writing grade. Instead, work with the student on following instructions.
Q: How were the Habits of Work created?
A: A team of MSAD27 staff and parents worked on a committee, who in turn, worked with focus groups of students to identify the four Core Values (Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Engaged/Invested Learning). From that work, the Habits of Work were revised to use the same indicators.
Q: Since the Honor Roll is now decided on Habits of Work, does that mean grades are no longer important?
A: Absolutely not! In fact, students that have all of their Habits of Work at a level 3 (the level that identifies their HOW scores are appropriate), will do better in academics! When you are responsible, respectful, honest, and engaged/invested in the learning, you do well!
Q: Are these scores subjective?
A: No they aren't. Our teachers are tracking student behavior data every day. Once a student has repeated behaviors that can be identified as a habit, their Habits of Work scores go down and the student receives assistance or intervention to bring up those scores.
Q: Isn't this just like giving everyone a participation medal?
A: This is the exact opposite! Being responsible, respectful, honest, and engaged/invested in your learning means that you are working on life skills that will help you far beyond high school. Those students who are able to have those work habits in place will do well in their academics as a result. And those students who work as hard as they can but still miss the mark on their proficiency scores, can see the value in working hard and adhering to the Core Values. They deserve it for all their efforts!
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