Minor Traffic Accident

One of the MSAD27 buses was involved in a minor traffic accident this afternoon when returning from a middle school field trip in Caribou.  The accident occurred in New Canada when a car suddenly moved into the lane the bus was traveling.

Fortunately, all students on the bus and the driver are safe.  Following protocol, several MSAD27 students were taken to Northern Maine Medical Center for precautionary measures after stating they hit their heads on the back of the seat. All parents of these students have been notified.

If parents did not receive the alert messages sent out by the school informing them of the delayed school dismissal and the bus incident (grades 7 and 8 parents specifically), they are encouraged to reach out to the school and have their contact information updated.

Despite school not being in session, MSAD27 will have school social workers on hand tomorrow, November 22, beginning at 8:00 for any of the VRMS students who were shaken up by this incident and need to talk to someone.
