Budget Season Begins At MSAD27
As we enter the budget season at MSAD27, we would like to make an effort to keep the public informed and educated about the process. The first part of that effort is to inform the public of our budget timeline which will provide key dates of budget work. MSAD27 encourages any an all community members to get involved with the budget process. Keeping in touch with the process will help everyone understand what they are voting on when the budget needs to be approved by it's citizens.
Click on the image below for access to the live copy of our budget timetable. Please note that these dates are subject to change for various reasons. You are encouraged to check back often to assure that budget dates have not changed.
If you have any questions regarding the budget timetable or anything else regarding MSAD27, please do not hesitate to contact Superintendent of Schools, Ben Sirois @ 834-3189.
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